Tuesday, December 29, 2009
all i need now is someone to talk to. someone that will listen to what i have to say. someone that can tell me tt its ok. someone to comfort me. the person does not have to understand waht im going thru but just be there and make me feel better. someone tt can give me a warm hug and whisper its ok. everything will be fine. i want ________.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Friday, December 4, 2009
Thursday, December 3, 2009
i woke up early. yay! lol.!
yesterday: me n kakak went to cik nini's place for fun. we watched shark boy and lava girl and tt made me sang dreamdreamdreamdream all the way home. took 69 home. reached home nearly 10. the door was locked so we panicked. but we weren't in any trouble cause my super irritating brother was actually the one who locked the darn door.
dad msged us to ask who's gonna wait for him caus he's bringing food home. ofcourse we waitted. oh oh. i asked dad about sleeping over at cik nini's place. and his answer was yes. so girls. you got your answer already.
Monday, November 30, 2009
im currently busy fucking with boredom. haha. tts the weirdest tt has ever been said in my blog. lol.
so yeaa. went to jb yesterday with uncle and grandparents. mum woke me up super duper early in the morning and i was like super tired. so yeaa. we took train the train.we were bickering about where to stop. jurong east or boon lay or jurong east or boonlay. being an east woman, we went to boon lay so tt we cn at least go to another shopping centre. we went to jurong point. yay! but being 8.30 in the morning, no shops were opened except food places. so we went and eat at burger king. talked with mum. we went around the place for about 0 mins looking for the taxi stand to meet pak ngah which was like ........... . haha. finally met with them and we went to jb. it was fine at first. we went to jakel to find kain for pak ngah's wedding. but we cuden find any. pak ngah saw this weird named kain and it was for sale. so he got one for me one for kakak. we went to angsana next and tt was wen i was comletely ignored by everyone. they were too busy with the things and i was like stranded. wen atok saw the change in my expression all he said was "yaya da lapar" and i was like i just eaten, why in the world would i be hungry. so i got pissed off n listened to my songs. i swear i was like a dog following its owner around. they finally realise my presence bile nk mkn. we singgah the petrol station and pak ngah was like really "cute". he saw a boot keychain tt was a lighter. then he told the cik at the counter " kak saya terpikat ah dengan ni" and the cik replied "berkenan beli" i mean if u like sumting buy lor. wen were were going home. it got worst. the jam. was. like. haiz... cars were like super close to us. one of them hit the car's rear mirror. pak ngah was still holding the lighter in hand and played around. he pointed the boot to the driver and was like " bang bang". childish i know. he actually held the thing all the way home.
i woke up at exactly 12 pm. maya was here since then. im bored.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
its been dead for a while. but its baccckkkk. ok watever.
firstly, to anisaa , thank you for changing my blogskin and tagboard. finally i got tagboard. haha
i've been eating alot thee days. durh. cause my parents don allow me to work so all i do at home is- sleep half a day, eat for about 1/3 of the day, play com another onthird of the day. the remaining one third, watch tv, day dream.....
bapak has been cooking lately. last week he cuti and brought us to sheng shiong to shop. he bought crab, kerang, fish and veggies. so we had a spread for dinner.
yesterday punye yesterday, we went sheng siong again. we bought lala, kerang, garouper(hw in the world do you spell it.) again we had a spread on malam raye. there was steamed lala, boiled kerang, steamed fish, kailan, butter prawns and grilled prawns. sedap kn kn kn?
yesterday was fun. it was raye haji. we went to nenek timah's hse at about 11. everyone (most) was there already. we girls, me, nisa, kakak, fiza, nazurah were having fun playing masak masak. haha. then we played woth the lift. we were really like kids. gosh.. but it was fun. can't wait to go jb with them excluding kakak who durh won't wanna go. i as super sleepy at nenek nor's hse and was bullied): ouh... mum woke me up super early yesterday to help her. then i went to the sofa n looked at the clock. i nearly cried cause it was only 9 in the morning. i was supposed to still be asleep lor.
today: met with ruby just now. i missed her many many. im chatting wif fyzah now. and she told me sumtinkk tt made me laugh.
hafizah says:
why ?
oh yeah !
he told me kannn .
your friend yg hanani tuh .
Nurul Irahh(: says:
asking je
hafizah says:
that day she talked to him tau , kat msn . tau tau ! then kaaaan , he ask her to diam la ! ahahahhahahaha !
funny siaaa !
mean iknow. will upload photos later.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
olevels are over. they are history! muahahahahaha.
i feel so fun!!! i cleared my stuffs just now and boy u must see the stack of papers that they wasted. i put all the papers at the corner of my room and its like the amount is more than the whole sec4 punye worksheet.
i school already! we drew on each other's uniform kt bwh blk just now. i wrote a letter for ruby by the way. wanted to give her just now but can't bear to. i cn imagine her cry if she were to read the letter. she has always been crying when i write her sumtink. i read the paper again just now and i can't stop my tears either.
Dear RUBY,
hi hunny. i miss u already! i miss those times in school.
Everyday without fail, at tenthirty i would ask you this question: are you eating? i like it when u say "ah ah. aku lapar." i always feel bad when u say" tkde sen" and look away. i know you're hungry but u don't want to susahkn people. it never bothers me to buy for you food. nw, i can't do that for you anymore. we'll be going our separate ways. i can't be there when u're hungry.
i was thinking about what to get you for your birthday. i got you the gift. then i decided to get you something that i know u wanted. i was really happy that u really liked it till u shouted. i dun mind doing that again. dun wuri. it doesn't bother me to buy u tt. just tell me wen u need it.
wen next year starts, it wun b the same as hw it was tis year. but u must promise not to forget me. i'll try to b there wen u nid me. i can't promise i'll always be there. but i'll always find a way to help. i'll always be prepared to top up ur fone for you. if u dun msg me in a week, ill b under ur blk with a top up card. and u cant say no to tt. just tell me wen u nid help ok.
we were never looking forward for this day. but sadly its here. the last day of school. i'll never forget you hunny. lets go out together even until the day we have grandchildren. haha. take care hunny! I LOVE YOU!
Sunday, November 8, 2009
i told mum that i logging in to lead to study for fnn but i just can't study already.
ive been looking at fnn things but i don noe what to do with them. still got to get ruby's things done. tomorrow's fnn paper. tomorrow's ruby's birthday. her present is still no wrapped and not done yet. i will study later at night. if im not tired.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
its over! over! over! haha.
i went crazy just aft paper jjust now. imagine three o'level girls shouting on tip of our lungs in public and laughing out loud. owh. n ruby burbed super loudly infront of a group of guys. n she din notice thhey existed. haha. we boutgh ice cream and laughed. AGAIN! it was soooo fun. i fell twice from laughing and ruby was like "maintain rahh. maintain" then soon she fell. people were looking at us but we were like watever.
irahh: kiterang tk minum je da gini sakk.
nani: ah ah. kalu minum lagi camne sakk,
irahh: we just need to sit for a two n a half hour paper and we can go crazy.
ruby(hum we tot wasnt listening): siallah 2 1/2 hours. maot sakk.
ahh. so fun! jom buat lagi.
i am not going to talk about the paper. why? simple. cos i dowan to even think about it.and at this point of time kimi knocked me. thrice.
Friday, October 23, 2009
i feel so dumb yesterday. i planned on nt going to school today. but i suddenly want to yesterday cause i'll miss d class. so i asked people whether they are going to school. and i even got scolded for being fickleminded by ruby. it kinda pissed me off cause she's my bestie and she shud noe tt i cant make up my mind. i swear i didnt know there's no school today. well no one else in my class did. i can't imagine if i really went to school just now.i talked to nani on the phone for nearly one hour. hw did we get a long. i donnoe. i was just being nice. but she totally made me changed my mind about being nice to her just now. dumb ass.

went out with tiara earlier. ate at ljs then went to library to study. well we did study. we studied fashion and how to flirt. haha. its still studying right?. we camwhored at the busstop and counted the busses tht passed us.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Announcement! : MOE just called and say that there won;t be O levels this year. They have decided to cancel it. - I WISH!
I'm totally stressed. Kong kept coming into the class bothering us to do MATHS MATHS MATHS MATHS. She totally pissed me off. Skipped maths class yesterday which was from 8 to 12. they are seriously trying to kill us.
I was chatting with Fyzah the other day and she asked bout the no olevels thing. So ..
hafizah says: the pm true uh ?(moe called to say there'll be no o'levels)
Nurul Irahh(: says:i wish!
hafizah says:LOL ! nice one xD but why shouldnt there be o'levels ?
Nurul Irahh(: says:cause people will fail..n wen they fail they go under pressure.that's when they commit suicide.and the birth rate in singapore will decrease.
Its true right? they pressure us so much than when we fail they'll blame us. then we get pissed off and do stupid things and we end up killing ourselves.
skipped assessment thing yesterday. i went but no one else went and i was having backache. followed ruby home. borrowed her clothes and went to the library. she was asking people to come down cause we want to borrow books. but ends up not borrowing anything cause ayul (he came down) has fines and his friends just can;t be bothered.
i've been eating mentos sonce 11.30 and i'm still eating it. second packet or what ever u call it already. and god damn its mint. just need pacify myself till 11 november.
oh. and dad's ajaking us go orchard tomorrow for a shopping spree. its too let us feel relaxed cket.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
i have no idea why i'm duing this. ok da.
didn't sleep a wink last night. why? this is because i slept earlier yesterday after 1 1/2 hours of boring mathematics with yours unfortunately mr te. i wasted my bloody night rumaging thru things that i'm not supposed to. i wasn't even a tini winy bit sleepy at all. but suddenly i was asleep. so due to that i missed today's class(thank god) cos i fell asleep after sahur. dyun bother getting me up if i'm asleep.
prelims satrted. i'm still not studying. u can never see nurul syahirah holding a book for more than 1/2 hr. more than that i wud either be sleeping or talking to myself. i want to play games.
i'm suddenly in my room with two unknown adik adiks(who just came in anyhw) and my two brothers shouting about psps.
ok. da updated. i'll update again in one to two months time. byebye.
didn't sleep a wink last night. why? this is because i slept earlier yesterday after 1 1/2 hours of boring mathematics with yours unfortunately mr te. i wasted my bloody night rumaging thru things that i'm not supposed to. i wasn't even a tini winy bit sleepy at all. but suddenly i was asleep. so due to that i missed today's class(thank god) cos i fell asleep after sahur. dyun bother getting me up if i'm asleep.
prelims satrted. i'm still not studying. u can never see nurul syahirah holding a book for more than 1/2 hr. more than that i wud either be sleeping or talking to myself. i want to play games.
i'm suddenly in my room with two unknown adik adiks(who just came in anyhw) and my two brothers shouting about psps.
ok. da updated. i'll update again in one to two months time. byebye.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
iswear i saw this coming. i was having a headache in school yesterday but i ignored it after eating panadol. each time the teacher asks anyone nt feeling well i'll just say no no no. i dowaan to be sent home. i made a huge mistake wen i reached home. i slept without the switching on the fan and wearing my blanket and shivering. when i woke up, iwas super shivering. so took my temperature and guess what it was 38degree. so istarted panicking a little. straightaway went to take a bath and took temperature again. it was not getting better. it rose to 38.5degree. i swear my head wa spinning. asked bapak to help picitkn kepale and he said my head is very keras and going to demam soon. and i was like..i demam already. so he took me to the doctor's. by the time i reached the clinic, my temperature shot up to 39.7degree.
thank god i'm getting better today. in the morning kimi did sumtink really cute. he touched my forehead and cheeks and said 'panas nye. kak yaya kena ape?' and i told him i'm sick. then he blow my face and said 'da tk panas'.
im thankful to get such a unique happy-go-lucky dad who would do anything for his children. he would even make us smile when we are in pain. thank you dad. i love you(:
thank god i'm getting better today. in the morning kimi did sumtink really cute. he touched my forehead and cheeks and said 'panas nye. kak yaya kena ape?' and i told him i'm sick. then he blow my face and said 'da tk panas'.
im thankful to get such a unique happy-go-lucky dad who would do anything for his children. he would even make us smile when we are in pain. thank you dad. i love you(:
Sunday, June 28, 2009
damn. school's starting again tomoro. its no fun. on a brighter note, i'll get to meet everyone after 2 weeks. i'm totally taking advantage of this one week free afternoons.
mr te msged me A LOT. seriously. even during my holidays. Dear 4a. Please..........
i lost my wallet during the Jb trip. God knows where it is. im forever losing things. so yeaa. no big deal. lucky thing i bought a new wallet when i was shopping for kakak's birthday gift. all thks to Ruby who told me to buy it. and its blue(:
ariffin keeps calling. im getting irritated already. the reason: he keeps saying the same thing and hang up. i mean, its ok if he says something urgent, but all he says is " hello. u tengah buat ape tuh. ok. byebye."
oh. guess what. i bought baju raye already. hutang puase belom bayar da beli baju raye. i know. mum told us to buy it now so that we won't be disturbed during olevels prep. i bought a black baju for racial harmony too. the blue one wasn't so nice.
h1n1 case increasing rapidly. shouldn't they close all schools? ohh watever. by the way. if a member in the family is having fever,flu, is the whole family quarintined or just the person??
mum's shivering and her temperature is super high. this is how it works in the family: usually if ibu gets sick, hadi will be next followed by me then kakak and ends with kimi. dad rarely gets sick. so i'll be sick in a few days time.
rest in peace michael jackson.
mr te msged me A LOT. seriously. even during my holidays. Dear 4a. Please..........
i lost my wallet during the Jb trip. God knows where it is. im forever losing things. so yeaa. no big deal. lucky thing i bought a new wallet when i was shopping for kakak's birthday gift. all thks to Ruby who told me to buy it. and its blue(:
ariffin keeps calling. im getting irritated already. the reason: he keeps saying the same thing and hang up. i mean, its ok if he says something urgent, but all he says is " hello. u tengah buat ape tuh. ok. byebye."
oh. guess what. i bought baju raye already. hutang puase belom bayar da beli baju raye. i know. mum told us to buy it now so that we won't be disturbed during olevels prep. i bought a black baju for racial harmony too. the blue one wasn't so nice.
h1n1 case increasing rapidly. shouldn't they close all schools? ohh watever. by the way. if a member in the family is having fever,flu, is the whole family quarintined or just the person??
mum's shivering and her temperature is super high. this is how it works in the family: usually if ibu gets sick, hadi will be next followed by me then kakak and ends with kimi. dad rarely gets sick. so i'll be sick in a few days time.
rest in peace michael jackson.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
this.is.pathetic. i repeat. PATHETIC. like seriously laa. i'm stuck at home cursing kakak, babysitting kimi and looking blankly at the four walls. mendakk! mum went out with hadi to meet her kawan2 skola. and kakak just told me somthing super sial. i shall not tell you.
so yesterday my school got into the television bout the h1n1 thingy. i don't mind if they are going to extend the holidays. but on the other hand, olevels coming and i need alot of help.
i feel like my best friend's coming soon. i'm starting to feel breathless already. ok. bye.
so yesterday my school got into the television bout the h1n1 thingy. i don't mind if they are going to extend the holidays. but on the other hand, olevels coming and i need alot of help.
i feel like my best friend's coming soon. i'm starting to feel breathless already. ok. bye.
Friday, June 12, 2009
i'm going crazy soon. what in the world am i doing here?? i'm still stuck in school at tthis time struggling with my god damn fucking fnn coursework. i'm sick and tire of fnn. i repeat SICK and TIRED. gosh. one whole week stuck in school till 4 doing fnn. how sick. and miss sng can even ask whether we r cuming to school next week. like helloo. next week is the only week that we are free from school. shuden they call this one week june holiday instead of june holiday??! i miss my mum's time. she always tell us siblings about hw she wud throw her bag to the corner and forget about studies during holidays. tt was tt time. nw. its nt even a holiday. like why did they put holidays in our calendar when we have to go school like every 3/4 of the holiday days. and tts not all. even on the 1/4 days of the holidays we have to do home work which takes up 1/2 of the remaining 1/4 days and 1/4 of the remaining days for revision. this is sick. i'm even talking maths in my blog!! its insane..
1 hr more to real holiday. like come on!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Friday, May 29, 2009
been kinda of happy these days. i feel like we as if we are back to those days. lets hope we will stay this way. with jun! yay!
just gave mum my report book which i got back like on wednesday. mr te sumpah sial. like come on. you shud be giving words of encouragement. ni tak. "with this kind of results(pointing at englsh) u'll confirm be going to ite". like wtf? shuden u say like 'if u can improve, i'm sure you can get into poly.' tts nicer. dad was super devastated. i'm sorry.
oh. my results.
eng D7
malay C5
MAths D7
science E8
Humans. dead
F&N D7
ok bye
just gave mum my report book which i got back like on wednesday. mr te sumpah sial. like come on. you shud be giving words of encouragement. ni tak. "with this kind of results(pointing at englsh) u'll confirm be going to ite". like wtf? shuden u say like 'if u can improve, i'm sure you can get into poly.' tts nicer. dad was super devastated. i'm sorry.
oh. my results.
eng D7
malay C5
MAths D7
science E8
Humans. dead
F&N D7
ok bye
Monday, May 25, 2009
i've long been keeping it all. you've hidden it all well. lets just be true to each other. spill out all the things that we've been keeping. wats the point of keeping mum and pretending to be ok in front of each other when we are not? i don't want to keep pretending anymore. until when are we going to keep mum? until when are we going to make this extend.
i really enjoyed the time we had at mac today. its been a while since we chatted. its been a while since me n ruby chatted with nani. i was happy that all six of us were in school today. but.. why didn;t we use the chance to sit and talk to each other?
nani, i'm tired of listening all those stuffs about you. i still can't accept the fact that you are a complete different person. however. i would have to.
mar, i'm sorry if i've always make things difficult. but.. i am the type who likes to tell off when i don't like sumtink.
aila, im sorry.
i wish we cud turn back time. i would really treasure the moments we had. i'm sorry if i've caused many problems. i wish this nightmare wud end. i would just keep the laughters and throw away the tears. im sorry.
i really enjoyed the time we had at mac today. its been a while since we chatted. its been a while since me n ruby chatted with nani. i was happy that all six of us were in school today. but.. why didn;t we use the chance to sit and talk to each other?
nani, i'm tired of listening all those stuffs about you. i still can't accept the fact that you are a complete different person. however. i would have to.
mar, i'm sorry if i've always make things difficult. but.. i am the type who likes to tell off when i don't like sumtink.
aila, im sorry.
i wish we cud turn back time. i would really treasure the moments we had. i'm sorry if i've caused many problems. i wish this nightmare wud end. i would just keep the laughters and throw away the tears. im sorry.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
damn mye!
now i just think about studying. gosh! its so not me. ok.
mye finished! god!! finally.
dropped poa so dismissed at 10. yay. went to tamp to meet mum, kakak and kimi. 'visited' tampines1. prezels. yum. yeaa. spent time there. dum didumdum.
one more day to 9may. i have no idea whether i'm looking forward for it or not. but one thing for sure. i'm looking forward to go .
oh. oh. oh. chatted with riffin the other day. i've made a stupid mistake and an improvement. the mistake. asking him to put down the phone n i'll call him back. he called and after 15 mins i told him to hang up. i'll call him back so that his prepaid wun b low. but god! i called back thinking that we were going to tok for bout 30 mins only but hell no. we chatted fer app 2 hrs. wow. the improvement: we talked most of the time. the first time we talked on the phone was for 1 and a half hours but we spent 1 hr listening to silence. but this time, we talked. most of the time. hehe.
ok dah. dad's giving money tomorrow for mother's day. yay. baking.
Yatoktaiib yatoktaib.(ryan ajar!)
now i just think about studying. gosh! its so not me. ok.
mye finished! god!! finally.
dropped poa so dismissed at 10. yay. went to tamp to meet mum, kakak and kimi. 'visited' tampines1. prezels. yum. yeaa. spent time there. dum didumdum.
one more day to 9may. i have no idea whether i'm looking forward for it or not. but one thing for sure. i'm looking forward to go .
oh. oh. oh. chatted with riffin the other day. i've made a stupid mistake and an improvement. the mistake. asking him to put down the phone n i'll call him back. he called and after 15 mins i told him to hang up. i'll call him back so that his prepaid wun b low. but god! i called back thinking that we were going to tok for bout 30 mins only but hell no. we chatted fer app 2 hrs. wow. the improvement: we talked most of the time. the first time we talked on the phone was for 1 and a half hours but we spent 1 hr listening to silence. but this time, we talked. most of the time. hehe.
ok dah. dad's giving money tomorrow for mother's day. yay. baking.
Yatoktaiib yatoktaib.(ryan ajar!)
Thursday, April 30, 2009
die liao.
first two papers was ok. dhen came the next paper wich was social studies. i fainted. dhen mt and eng. i survived. dhen maths. i died. on the spot.
woke up form death and survived practical. but....
on thurs. mrs yeow announced our practical results for chem. there i died again.
nonsense. non of it is making sense.
die liao.
first two papers was ok. dhen came the next paper wich was social studies. i fainted. dhen mt and eng. i survived. dhen maths. i died. on the spot.
woke up form death and survived practical. but....
on thurs. mrs yeow announced our practical results for chem. there i died again.
nonsense. non of it is making sense.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
dad's not working tomorrow.yay!(NOOOOO!) why? simple. wont be able to go out tomorrow. planned of going out with bestie but my dad's not working. therefore in conclusion i'll be stuck at home again. he's been rather moody these days.
had practical just now which everyone forgot about excluding TPs(durh). made pancake n fruit and nuts muffin. well fruit muffin. paired with RUBY!! haha. was super great. it woould be best if sng wasn't there. hah! yah. so gave everyone pancakes. yum2. truly satisfying. haha. noce rite korang.
ahhh. yeaa. that's it. got to study. like totally!
dad's not working tomorrow.yay!(NOOOOO!) why? simple. wont be able to go out tomorrow. planned of going out with bestie but my dad's not working. therefore in conclusion i'll be stuck at home again. he's been rather moody these days.
had practical just now which everyone forgot about excluding TPs(durh). made pancake n fruit and nuts muffin. well fruit muffin. paired with RUBY!! haha. was super great. it woould be best if sng wasn't there. hah! yah. so gave everyone pancakes. yum2. truly satisfying. haha. noce rite korang.
ahhh. yeaa. that's it. got to study. like totally!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
10th april 09. the day tt i wud never want to repeat.
one question though. has nfs already broke up b4 i made the decision or nt? its really confusing. i do regret duink wat i did tt day bt i'm glad we are all working it out fine together. well not all. still looking forward for 9 may though. most likely celebrating it with bestie as friendship day. will have lots to reflect.
to aila.
i'm glad u realised it. i'm not mad at u though. ur msges made me think alot. bt u can't turrn back time. what happened has already happened.
to nani.
i was touched by the msg u sent athough ur first reaction was sort of urgh. simple. bt the msg u sent was really sweet. i've forgiven u hunney. heess. bt i hope u really keep to ur words this time aites.
to mar.
i missed u lots. i kinda of miss ur jokes eventhough it does hurts sumtimes(:
to jun.
i'll keep u updated. hehe(:
to ruby bestie.
ty for always being there thru ups and downs and getting into troubles with me. sygg mak. haha.
although it has ended, i'll always cherish those great moments and forget the bad moments.
one question though. has nfs already broke up b4 i made the decision or nt? its really confusing. i do regret duink wat i did tt day bt i'm glad we are all working it out fine together. well not all. still looking forward for 9 may though. most likely celebrating it with bestie as friendship day. will have lots to reflect.
to aila.
i'm glad u realised it. i'm not mad at u though. ur msges made me think alot. bt u can't turrn back time. what happened has already happened.
to nani.
i was touched by the msg u sent athough ur first reaction was sort of urgh. simple. bt the msg u sent was really sweet. i've forgiven u hunney. heess. bt i hope u really keep to ur words this time aites.
to mar.
i missed u lots. i kinda of miss ur jokes eventhough it does hurts sumtimes(:
to jun.
i'll keep u updated. hehe(:
to ruby bestie.
ty for always being there thru ups and downs and getting into troubles with me. sygg mak. haha.
although it has ended, i'll always cherish those great moments and forget the bad moments.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Friday, April 3, 2009
How i wish this day wuden end. well at least the past 3 hours wuden.
Spent the day with Dear and his family for the first time. his mum asked me along to celebrate his lil sis birthday. So went to downtown with them but was with Dear all along cos gosh. its weird with his parents around. Sorry for interupting the fun half way cos of curfew. thks fer understanding dear. his family was super nice and belive me, his brother is hot and his sis is super pretty. His family are all good looking.
From the very first day that our path crossed,
It seemed our lives were deeply entwined.
I will never forget how I met you,
Or how slowly you took away my heart.
You may not have believed
Just how deeply I care for you.
Even now you still don;t know my heart.
How can i explain how i feel?
Spent the day with Dear and his family for the first time. his mum asked me along to celebrate his lil sis birthday. So went to downtown with them but was with Dear all along cos gosh. its weird with his parents around. Sorry for interupting the fun half way cos of curfew. thks fer understanding dear. his family was super nice and belive me, his brother is hot and his sis is super pretty. His family are all good looking.
From the very first day that our path crossed,
It seemed our lives were deeply entwined.
I will never forget how I met you,
Or how slowly you took away my heart.
You may not have believed
Just how deeply I care for you.
Even now you still don;t know my heart.
How can i explain how i feel?
Thursday, April 2, 2009
ok. firstly im soo not archleta's fan. but. oh well. i won the tickets. n listen NURUL ATIKA. listen. read i mean. this is ur seventeen birthday present. so the story goes.. akak wanted to meet archuleta so badly. n coincidently, 987 fm was giving out free passes to meet n greet archuleta. so i just tried fer fun using akak's fon n cuden get thru. she snatched her fon frm me n said ferget it. but too bad. i din wa to spend too much on ur bdae wic is like in 2 months time. so i tried calling using my fone n true enuf the muttons answered n i was like oopss. akak din believe they answered though.
muttons: hello, hu's there?
me:with aka's help) ika.
muttons:r u a big d. archuleta fan.
me:(with a disgusted feeling) yeaa.
muttons:first subject ika is ur david archuleta topic. when is d archuleta birthday.
i got the answer. dhen some primary school questions. like the past tnse of freeze, if 2x+3x=20 wat is x and the final questionn was are all non metals non magnetic. like durh. n we were shouting. akak was shouting coz she's meeting him, n im shouting cos i dun have to get her expensive presents.n the best thing is, its the first pair of tickets. haha. ok dah. kakak, u so have too get me nice stuffs fer MY sweet sixteen.
to mar, deepest condolences fer the lost of ur grandpa.
ok. firstly im soo not archleta's fan. but. oh well. i won the tickets. n listen NURUL ATIKA. listen. read i mean. this is ur seventeen birthday present. so the story goes.. akak wanted to meet archuleta so badly. n coincidently, 987 fm was giving out free passes to meet n greet archuleta. so i just tried fer fun using akak's fon n cuden get thru. she snatched her fon frm me n said ferget it. but too bad. i din wa to spend too much on ur bdae wic is like in 2 months time. so i tried calling using my fone n true enuf the muttons answered n i was like oopss. akak din believe they answered though.
muttons: hello, hu's there?
me:with aka's help) ika.
muttons:r u a big d. archuleta fan.
me:(with a disgusted feeling) yeaa.
muttons:first subject ika is ur david archuleta topic. when is d archuleta birthday.
i got the answer. dhen some primary school questions. like the past tnse of freeze, if 2x+3x=20 wat is x and the final questionn was are all non metals non magnetic. like durh. n we were shouting. akak was shouting coz she's meeting him, n im shouting cos i dun have to get her expensive presents.n the best thing is, its the first pair of tickets. haha. ok dah. kakak, u so have too get me nice stuffs fer MY sweet sixteen.
to mar, deepest condolences fer the lost of ur grandpa.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
i truly missed the person who would call me wen im playing games(hp) infront of him,
the person who would laugh at me when i'm being stupid,
the person who i can talk to without any worries,
the person who i can share all my secrets with, the person who would make me smile even when im down,
i dont know wat exactly im feeling. you made me feel matured eventhough im still as childish as ever. i miss the old you.
the person who would laugh at me when i'm being stupid,
the person who i can talk to without any worries,
the person who i can share all my secrets with, the person who would make me smile even when im down,
i dont know wat exactly im feeling. you made me feel matured eventhough im still as childish as ever. i miss the old you.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

hello dere(:
had a goody fun day today! spent the day with bestfriend ruby and mar n dayah.had a great time wif ruby while waiting fer mar n dayah. went to toyrus to buy kimi's toy n to popular to get the cd. aft tt when to famous amos to get no nut choc cookies. yum yum. went up to open plaza n met iman there. ruby n him was like super cute. den we went to 77th street n i found this nice cap. gosh. naknaknak! CAMWHORED! wen to times n i spent approximately 15 mins reading the mags cos its like gonna be a waste of money to buy super expensive mags and throw it aft reading. then wen to some other places. got hungry n ate at qiji. camwhored again. haha. candid photos while eating. nice. met mar n dayah there. guess we were the kecoh-ress there. took pics again. then went to mini toons n mini bits. wanted to buy the black star ring n the necklace. gosh! dhen saw a dress tt cost a freaking 35 bucks. argh! lets save money ruby. haha. kalau menjadi urh. so tts like $20 for the cap, $9.95 for the ring, $15 for the necklace and $35 for the dress. so that totals up to be $79.95. mane nk korek?? sumpah poks. ok dah. gmbr nanti nanti.
had a goody fun day today! spent the day with bestfriend ruby and mar n dayah.had a great time wif ruby while waiting fer mar n dayah. went to toyrus to buy kimi's toy n to popular to get the cd. aft tt when to famous amos to get no nut choc cookies. yum yum. went up to open plaza n met iman there. ruby n him was like super cute. den we went to 77th street n i found this nice cap. gosh. naknaknak! CAMWHORED! wen to times n i spent approximately 15 mins reading the mags cos its like gonna be a waste of money to buy super expensive mags and throw it aft reading. then wen to some other places. got hungry n ate at qiji. camwhored again. haha. candid photos while eating. nice. met mar n dayah there. guess we were the kecoh-ress there. took pics again. then went to mini toons n mini bits. wanted to buy the black star ring n the necklace. gosh! dhen saw a dress tt cost a freaking 35 bucks. argh! lets save money ruby. haha. kalau menjadi urh. so tts like $20 for the cap, $9.95 for the ring, $15 for the necklace and $35 for the dress. so that totals up to be $79.95. mane nk korek?? sumpah poks. ok dah. gmbr nanti nanti.
Friday, March 13, 2009
detention detention
hello. nothing much to say today. will try to keep it short n simple.
went into school late on purpose. waited fer ruby. wnt into sch at about 7.45. had to go fer detention. durh. nothing really happen during school. except fighting with shafiq for the damn rag n asking him to help wipe my desk.
reported at the office fer detention. n edlin came out calling all detention-ians. me n ruby were like cursing her all the way.saw kamarul,farhan, aloy n raiswan.they too had detention. wanted to sit wif ruby bt edlin separated us. lucky there was farhan n raiswan in froont hu kind of entertained me. farhan was doing stupid faces at everyone n raiswan was just asking fer trouble. sat blankly into space fer one hour. cant even read a book.
so ya. tt was practically it.
ohhhh. nono. b4 tt we went to nani's place to put some of my books there cos it was too heavy. saw her mum going out while nani was changing. salamed her mum n she talked to us. it really made us cry. it was so emotional. we felt so bad wen she cried. i just can't forget her last few words. "makcik syg anak mkcik." gosh at tt point of time i felt like crying. me,aila,ruby spent the next 10 minutes listless.
n im not patching. or maybe i am. gosh!
went into school late on purpose. waited fer ruby. wnt into sch at about 7.45. had to go fer detention. durh. nothing really happen during school. except fighting with shafiq for the damn rag n asking him to help wipe my desk.
reported at the office fer detention. n edlin came out calling all detention-ians. me n ruby were like cursing her all the way.saw kamarul,farhan, aloy n raiswan.they too had detention. wanted to sit wif ruby bt edlin separated us. lucky there was farhan n raiswan in froont hu kind of entertained me. farhan was doing stupid faces at everyone n raiswan was just asking fer trouble. sat blankly into space fer one hour. cant even read a book.
so ya. tt was practically it.
ohhhh. nono. b4 tt we went to nani's place to put some of my books there cos it was too heavy. saw her mum going out while nani was changing. salamed her mum n she talked to us. it really made us cry. it was so emotional. we felt so bad wen she cried. i just can't forget her last few words. "makcik syg anak mkcik." gosh at tt point of time i felt like crying. me,aila,ruby spent the next 10 minutes listless.
n im not patching. or maybe i am. gosh!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
when true friends arent true,
when bestfriends are not the best,
when friends are not what you expected them to be,
when friends gets you into trouble,
when they leave you during your hardship,
when they take your loved ones away,
thats when you know they are not your true friends.
Faiq broke his leg n wun b cuming to sch. nothing else quite happen. still tired frm running away frm tt fat fugly guy yest.
wanted to go to kalam aft sch bt din. why? simple. he was outside. so went to canteen with ruby, nani and sat wit muz b4 akmal came. durh im stubborn. i wanted sweets. so yeaa. went out wit ruby(tried to). he was talking to eddy, kamarul, rahami they all n walked towards us.( i tink) so durh we were scared. so we shouted petern wallked into school.
n so we went to buy the food drive things at sheng siong. had fun. haha. den bought bubble tea each. mr te's treat i tink.
oke dah.
when bestfriends are not the best,
when friends are not what you expected them to be,
when friends gets you into trouble,
when they leave you during your hardship,
when they take your loved ones away,
thats when you know they are not your true friends.
Faiq broke his leg n wun b cuming to sch. nothing else quite happen. still tired frm running away frm tt fat fugly guy yest.
wanted to go to kalam aft sch bt din. why? simple. he was outside. so went to canteen with ruby, nani and sat wit muz b4 akmal came. durh im stubborn. i wanted sweets. so yeaa. went out wit ruby(tried to). he was talking to eddy, kamarul, rahami they all n walked towards us.( i tink) so durh we were scared. so we shouted petern wallked into school.
n so we went to buy the food drive things at sheng siong. had fun. haha. den bought bubble tea each. mr te's treat i tink.
oke dah.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Doctor Doctor.
gosh. kay honestly i've always hated the doctors. but still had to go just now. the asthma came back causing me to have sleepless night. gosh. slept the whole morning like one hour intervals. so yah. went to the doctors with daddy. fever with 38.2 degrees n runny nose not forgeting the asthma. the good news: i got two days mc(yay). the bad news: i had to eat 5 tablets. big ones. urgh!
mar called in the morning to ask wat happen to me. sundalan texted. shafiq texted. haha. wat great friends.
Hadi went fer his camp this morning. missed him already. pak busu going ns tomoro.
so yah. tts about it. Ouh!! kak was freaking out when a small butterfly flew into our room. haha.
k toodles. hoopla.
gosh. kay honestly i've always hated the doctors. but still had to go just now. the asthma came back causing me to have sleepless night. gosh. slept the whole morning like one hour intervals. so yah. went to the doctors with daddy. fever with 38.2 degrees n runny nose not forgeting the asthma. the good news: i got two days mc(yay). the bad news: i had to eat 5 tablets. big ones. urgh!
mar called in the morning to ask wat happen to me. sundalan texted. shafiq texted. haha. wat great friends.
Hadi went fer his camp this morning. missed him already. pak busu going ns tomoro.
so yah. tts about it. Ouh!! kak was freaking out when a small butterfly flew into our room. haha.
k toodles. hoopla.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
oke lets just get straight to the point. we were breaking apart bcos of her bt we r fine nw. n dhen u created this damn big mess. do you noe hw much uve changed?? gosh. i hate the new you.
i dun giv a damn bout ur life. u wan to have a fat ugly guy as ur boyfriend go on. but dun do nonsense things where everyone can see. i dun care bout it if ur nt my clone. bt come on la. u jollywell noe tt not many people can differentiate us. i dun wanna go to sch n get lectured by any teachers wen they see u going out wif tht crap guy. wat ami going to say??? gosh. oh and u dun go round giving my number to anyone tt i dun know. i only give my number to someone tt i know. or i see b4. not any stranger.
ok watever. nw the good news. ARIFFIN is back!! haha. imyimyimyimyimyimyimy!
oke lets just get straight to the point. we were breaking apart bcos of her bt we r fine nw. n dhen u created this damn big mess. do you noe hw much uve changed?? gosh. i hate the new you.
i dun giv a damn bout ur life. u wan to have a fat ugly guy as ur boyfriend go on. but dun do nonsense things where everyone can see. i dun care bout it if ur nt my clone. bt come on la. u jollywell noe tt not many people can differentiate us. i dun wanna go to sch n get lectured by any teachers wen they see u going out wif tht crap guy. wat ami going to say??? gosh. oh and u dun go round giving my number to anyone tt i dun know. i only give my number to someone tt i know. or i see b4. not any stranger.
ok watever. nw the good news. ARIFFIN is back!! haha. imyimyimyimyimyimyimy!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
whella. okehh im like lazy these days to update. been lazy lately. so i'll try to finish tis blg. or maybe leave it hanging.
last friday: had a minor fight with nfs. nearly break apart but mati hidup balek.
so yah. me and Ariffin broke up. met this other guy who is somehow related to MUHD ARIFFIN BIN ZAINAL.
yesterday: was super frustrated wif ms sultanah fer nt letting me off fer oral. watthehell. gosh i hate her larh. had fun 'broadcasting' with ruby and faiq.MARDHIAH'S BIRTHDAY!caught in the rain.
today: met syafiq and hidayat at inter as usual super sombong. mar wa still complaining bout her hair. its fine my dear. nearly started an argument with ruby. sorry. gosh. caught in the rain again. and oh zia. i don't like you!
"when a bitch wants others to follow what she says and thinks that what she says is always true, she's ridiculus."
last friday: had a minor fight with nfs. nearly break apart but mati hidup balek.
so yah. me and Ariffin broke up. met this other guy who is somehow related to MUHD ARIFFIN BIN ZAINAL.
yesterday: was super frustrated wif ms sultanah fer nt letting me off fer oral. watthehell. gosh i hate her larh. had fun 'broadcasting' with ruby and faiq.MARDHIAH'S BIRTHDAY!caught in the rain.
today: met syafiq and hidayat at inter as usual super sombong. mar wa still complaining bout her hair. its fine my dear. nearly started an argument with ruby. sorry. gosh. caught in the rain again. and oh zia. i don't like you!
"when a bitch wants others to follow what she says and thinks that what she says is always true, she's ridiculus."
Monday, February 23, 2009
whella. haha. whtaever it means yah. check in the dictionary urself n u will realise tt u will nt find d meaning. k dot.
haha. k watever. sugar rush. was lauhging the whole day. bluek. late fer sch yar so blablablabla. school=sucks. few more months n im out. yay! nuting much happened in sch. aft sch spent the time at techview wif nani(kembar) mar n bby. heh. was making jokes all the way. haha. i talked to a freaking chicken while nani talked to her wallet, bby talked to herself as usual n mar. talked to the terbalik hp of hers haha. wah! gosh i feel super hyper today. fnn class was a havoc. went out of class during fnn to 'buy' yellow file wif roy, ruby, shereen, vannie, faiq... roy caught drinking milo haha. the rest all get away. hee(: fun fun.
Tok Jaapar passed away this morning. may God bless his soul n put him together wif all the good good people.
Ariffin suddenly msged me on saturday morning when i was not even awake n thought that it was all a dream cos he had not been talking to me since last week. haha. n its 21st! muahahaha. k love you boyfriend.
so much fer being random chatterbox.n what bitch did ruby called me? gosh. i liked it so much but i forgot what it was.
k. doodles.
haha. k watever. sugar rush. was lauhging the whole day. bluek. late fer sch yar so blablablabla. school=sucks. few more months n im out. yay! nuting much happened in sch. aft sch spent the time at techview wif nani(kembar) mar n bby. heh. was making jokes all the way. haha. i talked to a freaking chicken while nani talked to her wallet, bby talked to herself as usual n mar. talked to the terbalik hp of hers haha. wah! gosh i feel super hyper today. fnn class was a havoc. went out of class during fnn to 'buy' yellow file wif roy, ruby, shereen, vannie, faiq... roy caught drinking milo haha. the rest all get away. hee(: fun fun.
Tok Jaapar passed away this morning. may God bless his soul n put him together wif all the good good people.
Ariffin suddenly msged me on saturday morning when i was not even awake n thought that it was all a dream cos he had not been talking to me since last week. haha. n its 21st! muahahaha. k love you boyfriend.
so much fer being random chatterbox.n what bitch did ruby called me? gosh. i liked it so much but i forgot what it was.
k. doodles.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Daddy spoilt my mood in the morning caused of my fon bill. urgh. N so nw its back to giving mum my fone wen i cum bck frm sch. darn!
was alone on the morning cos nani had sjab ting n ruby had morning run. Fought with Shafik as usual. Passed Physics. YAY! had chem n fnn xtra class. Mrs Yeow is super cute(and nice)*smiles* haha. Love her lot lot. went fer fnn like 25 minutes late. made a nuisance in class.
Went back with Tiara. haha. Gerek. A damn GEEK guy came n asked fer my name and my reacttion was 'im attached'. bt he just wun give up. Urgh. Nightmare! Went to mac. Had caramel frappe(yum). Tiara had Fluffy.
Had to give mum my fon. Urgh. missing it already. Gosh. still have fnn research to do. N chem test tomoro. argh!
K bye(:
was alone on the morning cos nani had sjab ting n ruby had morning run. Fought with Shafik as usual. Passed Physics. YAY! had chem n fnn xtra class. Mrs Yeow is super cute(and nice)*smiles* haha. Love her lot lot. went fer fnn like 25 minutes late. made a nuisance in class.
Went back with Tiara. haha. Gerek. A damn GEEK guy came n asked fer my name and my reacttion was 'im attached'. bt he just wun give up. Urgh. Nightmare! Went to mac. Had caramel frappe(yum). Tiara had Fluffy.
Had to give mum my fon. Urgh. missing it already. Gosh. still have fnn research to do. N chem test tomoro. argh!
K bye(:
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
The fifth(hopefully last one) blog(:
k watever.
so is it a good thing that i actually enjoyed school?
like for sure nt fer the lessons.durh.
Had a super great tyme yesterday. Some how it was a very fun day.
Super kecoh.
Had the damn total defence thingy today, had to stay at the field for freaking 20 minutes. Had p.e in the morning. Ate TUNA!! haha. food rationing. durh. k watever.
Got to finish up fnn research. F***. Hee.
k byebye.
k watever.
so is it a good thing that i actually enjoyed school?
like for sure nt fer the lessons.durh.
Had a super great tyme yesterday. Some how it was a very fun day.
Super kecoh.
Had the damn total defence thingy today, had to stay at the field for freaking 20 minutes. Had p.e in the morning. Ate TUNA!! haha. food rationing. durh. k watever.
Got to finish up fnn research. F***. Hee.
k byebye.
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