Thursday, March 12, 2009

when true friends arent true,
when bestfriends are not the best,
when friends are not what you expected them to be,
when friends gets you into trouble,
when they leave you during your hardship,
when they take your loved ones away,
thats when you know they are not your true friends.

Faiq broke his leg n wun b cuming to sch. nothing else quite happen. still tired frm running away frm tt fat fugly guy yest.
wanted to go to kalam aft sch bt din. why? simple. he was outside. so went to canteen with ruby, nani and sat wit muz b4 akmal came. durh im stubborn. i wanted sweets. so yeaa. went out wit ruby(tried to). he was talking to eddy, kamarul, rahami they all n walked towards us.( i tink) so durh we were scared. so we shouted petern wallked into school.
n so we went to buy the food drive things at sheng siong. had fun. haha. den bought bubble tea each. mr te's treat i tink.

oke dah.

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