Friday, October 16, 2009

Announcement! : MOE just called and say that there won;t be O levels this year. They have decided to cancel it. - I WISH!
I'm totally stressed. Kong kept coming into the class bothering us to do MATHS MATHS MATHS MATHS. She totally pissed me off. Skipped maths class yesterday which was from 8 to 12. they are seriously trying to kill us.
I was chatting with Fyzah the other day and she asked bout the no olevels thing. So ..

hafizah says: the pm true uh ?(moe called to say there'll be no o'levels)

Nurul Irahh(: says:i wish!
hafizah says:LOL ! nice one xD but why shouldnt there be o'levels ?
Nurul Irahh(: says:cause people will fail..n wen they fail they go under pressure.that's when they commit suicide.and the birth rate in singapore will decrease.

Its true right? they pressure us so much than when we fail they'll blame us. then we get pissed off and do stupid things and we end up killing ourselves.

skipped assessment thing yesterday. i went but no one else went and i was having backache. followed ruby home. borrowed her clothes and went to the library. she was asking people to come down cause we want to borrow books. but ends up not borrowing anything cause ayul (he came down) has fines and his friends just can;t be bothered.

i've been eating mentos sonce 11.30 and i'm still eating it. second packet or what ever u call it already. and god damn its mint. just need pacify myself till 11 november.
oh. and dad's ajaking us go orchard tomorrow for a shopping spree. its too let us feel relaxed cket.

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