Friday, April 3, 2009

How i wish this day wuden end. well at least the past 3 hours wuden.
Spent the day with Dear and his family for the first time. his mum asked me along to celebrate his lil sis birthday. So went to downtown with them but was with Dear all along cos gosh. its weird with his parents around. Sorry for interupting the fun half way cos of curfew. thks fer understanding dear. his family was super nice and belive me, his brother is hot and his sis is super pretty. His family are all good looking.

From the very first day that our path crossed,
It seemed our lives were deeply entwined.
I will never forget how I met you,
Or how slowly you took away my heart.
You may not have believed
Just how deeply I care for you.
Even now you still don;t know my heart.
How can i explain how i feel?

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