Decided to visit the doc today. Initial plan was to just take the morning off and go to work at 9. Went to LJS at 9 instead to get porridge for work but when Love texted asking if I want to join him for breakfast, my plans changed. I was 50 50 deciding whether to go clinic or not so when Love texted I made my decision. Waited for Love and had my porridge at Starbucks while Love had his egg white wrap. It was a short breakfast date but it felt good!
Went to the clinic after and got MC till Saturday. Love asked if I took MC on purpose. I wish I did! But this cough and wheezing had been bothering me these days.. Went back to work to settle some LTP issues, Mother's day event ( which is gonna be a failure) and some other office issues.
Spent the afternoon with Love! Accompanied him to HQ cause he had to sign something then headed to CCP to find his boots and instant noodles. Yes, these days it's been about Finland Finland Finland. I've got to be honest, I'm still having mixed feelings but after the talk we had the other day, I'm still trying to let it sink in. Looking forward for 17 May already.
Wasn't feeling so good but still wanted to accompany him cause I'll feel worse if I don't. And I want to spend more time with him. 10 days! I dont want to imagine. Am planning my days while waiting for him to come back.
Had our dinner at Bagus. My appetite wasnt so good. I feel like eating a lot of things but I don't feel like eating anything. If that even makes sense. I mean, I do want to eat this and that but when it's in front of me, I don't want to eat it. We went NTUC after to get his instant noodles and he also got some tuna too. I was already feeling uneasy and breathless but I didn't want to show.
Love's been checking on me and making sure I eat and get enough rest. But I'm being stubborn, wanting to accompany him here and there instead. I can't help but be worried about him when he's there. I'd pack for him if I could.. Got to get him some hand warmers tomorrow before I meet him for more shopping!
Kakak is back from Korea today. No more being alone in my room. No more sleeping naked. 😪😧
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